Scientific group “Problems of the history of the state and law of Ukraine”

Work plan of the scientific group
“Problems of the history of the state and law of Ukraine”
for the II semester of 2022-2023 p.

Conducting time Activities
February 2023
Discussion of topics: “General characteristics of the sources of Ukrainian law at the time of its incorporation into the Russian Empire”, “Peculiarities of reforms in Ukraine in the 2nd half. XIX century.”
March 2023
Participation of members of the group in the report-scientific conference of students of Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University
March 2023 Discussion of the topic: “Problems of state formation in Western Ukrainian lands as part of Austria-Hungary”
April 2023 Discussion of the topic: “Legislative activity of the Central Rada, Hetman P. Skoropadskyi, Directory
May 2023
Discussion of topics: “Constitutional legislation of Ukraine as part of the USSR”, “Peculiarities of the state system and law of the Ukrainian SSR”