Student scientific work

Marta Ivanchuk, a student of the Educational and Scientific Legal Institute, became a prizewinner of the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works and was awarded a diploma of the III degree. Research supervisor – Head of the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Serhiy Adamovych. Our student presented to the competition the scientific work “The Law of Justice in Historical Retrospect in Ukraine”, in which she analyzed the phenomenon of the law of justice and its features in the history of the law of Great Britain and Ukraine. In her work, Marta Ivanchuk defends the opinion that a historical-legal comparison of the features of the judicial system of Great Britain and Ukraine, the identification of such a phenomenon as the “law of justice”, the interpretation of this phenomenon in the history of Ukrainian law is one of the necessary steps that will help improve the Ukrainian judiciary and ensure its flexibility to the demands and modern needs of society. It should be noted that the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty “Theory and history of the state and law; history of political and legal students; philosophy of law” was held during January-April 2021 at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. 61 scientific works from 34 institutions of higher education of Ukraine were submitted to the II round of the competition.

According to the decision of the jury of the Educational and Scientific Legal Institute of PNU named after V. Stefanyk, within the framework of the first round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties (specializations), the winner was the 1st-year student of the BA “Bachelor”, 081 Law – Sulyma A. P., who wrote the paper under the supervision of the head of the department, Professor Adamovych S.V.